About the Conference
Join us at the inaugural Rural Anaesthesia Down Under Conference in sunny Broome.
The three-day event will include lectures, small problem based discussions, case studies and hands on skills stations delivered concurrently over the event and facilitated by experienced GP Anaesthetists. The conference will also provide the opportunity to network with fellow GP Anaesthetists and colleagues, whilst experiencing the attractions that this gateway to the Kimberley has to offer.
Conference details
Date: Sunday 13th June to Wednesday 16th June 2021
Venue: Cable Beach Club Broome
To download the preliminary program, please click here.
CPD points
An application for CPD points will be submitted to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and Australian College of Remote and Rural Medicine (ACRRM) for the clinical stream of the event.
Rural Procedural Grants Program
An application for this event to be eligible for a three-day anaesthetic grant will be submitted. For further details about the Rural Procedural Grant, contact the RACGP on 1800 636 764 or ACRRM on 1800 223 226.
Contact us
Events team
10 Stirling Highway, Nedlands WA, 6009
08 6389 4500