Accompanying Others

We welcome the partners, families and friends of event participants who wish to join them in Karijini National Park and experience the wonders of this remote location.


Please note: Due to a change in funding arrangements the structure of the Family Program at the Rural and Remote Retrieval Weekend has changed. All people accompanying delegates will require their own transport to, and in, Karijini National Park. This is the only means of accessing the spectacular gorges and walks within Karijini National Park.

Rural Health West cannot stress enough that there is no public transport within the park, so accompanying others must be self-sufficient with regards to transport. 

By day

While event participants manage emergency scenarios in various gorges throughout the national park, accompanying others can:

  • Visit popular gorges and lookouts. 
  • Access walking trails.
  • Experience the unique landscapes.

By night

Accompanying others are invited to join event participants for meals, socialising and a bit of medical fun!


Staying at Karijini Eco Retreat accompanying others have the following options:

  • Eco tent accommodation (shared with conference participant)
    $440.00 per person. 3 nights for adult or child. 
  • Camping accommodation (shared with conference participant)
    $330 per person on unpowered site. 3 nights for adult or child.
Both above accommodation options include:
  • All meals - three buffet breakfasts, three packed lunches and three two-course dinners.
  • Daily snacks.
  • Backpack and metal water bottle.

Family Considerations
Key points to consider when making a decision on whether partners and family will accompany event participants to the Rural and Remote Retrieval Weekend.

  • Accompanying others will not be able to partake in the conference daytime program. Accompanying others are responsible for their own itinerary in the park.
  • The only transport available to accompanying others in and around Karijini National Park will be their own personal transport. 
  • Parents will remain fully responsible for their children at all times whilst at Karijini National Park.
  • Accompanying others are encouraged to join participants at the dinners.
  • Children's activities will be provided in the evenings alongside event dinners (board games, etc), allowing parents to socialise
Point to consider
  • Karijini National Park offers a variety of walk trails for a variety of fitness levels. Please ensure you have the necessary physical ability and appropriate attire to undertake your chosen activity.
  • None of the Eco Tents have air-conditioning. The Eco Tents are designed with walls that can be unzipped and folded down to allow you to have a full view of your surroundings.
  • There is only minimal power for low wattage applications (charging camera battery/phone) at the Eco Retreat, including the Eco Tents.
  • There is no internet access and limited mobile phone reception in Karijini National Park, including at the Eco Retreat. The Eco Retreat has a pay phone for which a charge card is needed. Phone cards may be purchased at the retreat or BYO from Perth.
  • The only food outlet within Karijini National Park is the restaurant aligned with the Eco Retreat.

If you have any queries or requests for the Rural and Remote Retrieval Weekend Family Program, please contact for more information.