
Collaborating in Care

Collaborative working partnerships across the ear health system are key to ensuring positive change and encouraging interdisciplinary practice to build stronger healthier communities throughout Western Australia.

Rural Health West and Aboriginal Health Council of WA (AHCWA) administer the Ear Health Coordination Program in WA.  Our teams work collaboratively with primary health care clinics and other stakeholders to identify and support activity needed to improve WA ear health.

WA Child Ear Health Strategy

The WA Child Ear Health Strategy has been developed to tackle ear disease amongst children, particularly in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Western Australia. 

It provides a road map for better care through multi-agency service planning, strengthened community focused partnerships, alignment of funding, and better coordinator.  Click here for the WA Child Ear Strategy

Please note the WA Child Ear Health Strategy is undergoing a refresh.  An updated version of the Strategy will be available in the coming months once endorsed by the WA Child Ear Health Strategy Steering Committee.

This Forum has been developed in collaboration with the WA Child Ear Health Strategy partners to explore how the priorities of the Strategy can be implemented to improve ear and hearing outcomes across WA.