We are extremely proud to present the winners of the 2020 WA Rural Health Awards.
Congratulations to everyone who was nominated for the Awards and thank you for the amazing work you do to support communities across rural WA.
Dr Joanne Baker Kimberley Medical Group, BROOME |
Dr Seema Basil Mawarnkarra Health Serivce, ROEBOURNE | Dr Stephanie Trust Kununurra Medical Clinic, KUNUNURRA |
Dr Kim Isaacs Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services, BROOME |
Jenny Cutter Kimberley Renal Services, BROOME | Stacey Robinson The Nintirri Centre, TOM PRICE |
Dr Dave Forster WA Country Health Service, KIMBERLEY |
Dr Vernon Powell WA Country Health Service, KUNUNURRA | Dr Ivan Jansz Dalyellup Family Medical Centre, DALYELLUP |
Dr Carolyn Masarei St John of God Health Care, BUNBURY | Dr Tony Mylius Wheatbelt Medical Specialists, NORTHAM |
Dr Rafiq Hemani Kalgoorlie Health Campus, KALGOORLIE |
Helen Lundy WA Country Health Service, CUNDERDIN |
Helen Freeman Esperance Health Campus, ESPERANCE | Teresa Barry The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, ALBANY |
Dr Helen Wright Perth Children's Hospital, NEDLANDS |
Mr Peter Tually TeleMed Health Services, PERTH | Dr Wei-Sen Lam South Metropolitan Health Service and WA Country Health Service |
Dr Phoebe Thornton Great Southern Mental Health Services, ALBANY |
Santana Rose WA Country Health Service, KIMBERLEY Mental Health and Drug Service, DERBY | Jessica Curnuck Boyup Brook MPS, BOYUP BROOK |
Professor David Atkinson The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, BROOME |
Dr Stephanie Schlueter WA Country Health Service - Albany Health Campus, SPENCER PARK | Dr Dave Forster WA Country Health Service, KIMBERLEY |
The Wheatbelt Tackling Indigenous Smoking Team WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health, NORTHAM |
Tele-Chemotherapy Karratha Health Campus, KARRATHA | Integrated Chronic Disease Care Program Panaceum Group, GERALDTON |
Asha Burkett Exmouth Health Professionals, EXMOUTH |
Andrew Smith Goldfields Chiropractic and Healing Centre, KALGOORLIE | Alexander Gazis-Morris In Balance Physiotherapy and Fitness, NORTHAM |
Dr Brittney Wicksteed Albany Health Campus, ALBANY |
Dr James Charleson Bunbury Hospital, BUNBURY |
Dr Eve Battersby Broome Health Campus, BROOME |
Dr Logan Shemer Albany Health Campus, ALBANY |
We look forward to welcoming the 2020 winners and their guest at the 2021 WA Rural Health Awards Gala Dinner in March 2021 where they will be formally congratulated and presented with their trophies.